More Traffic. More Revenue.
Top 10 Rated SEO by Clutch

Dcodax offers the most affordable & effective SEO packages available. Get a FREE Consultation with an SEO expert and learn how we can grow your website traffic.

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Increase traffic and sales

Get a higher ranking on Search Engines

Get a Free Consultation for your website now !

Our seo is #1

What we do.

Our campaigns build a website’s relevance and trust with search engines. Every task performed has a specific purpose that improves your website’s ranking. Some of these tasks include:

  • Keyword Research
  • Business Directories
  • Onsite Optimizations
  • Tag Implementation
  • Local Business SEO
  • Content Creation
  • Backlink Building
  • And so much more!

be found first

93% of online queries start on a search engine.

If you’re not one of the first results, you’re losing traffic to your competition. 



of shoppers conduct online research before making a purchase


of consumers who perform a local search visit a store within 5 miles of their current location


of mobile searches are more likely to contact a local business if they have a mobile-friendly site

Seo process

Here's how it works.

  1. Initial campaign setup
  2. Keyword optimization
  3. Website optimization
  4. Business profile development
  5. Link portfolio development
  6. Custom content creation 
  7. Ongoing SEO consultation 
  8. Service and performance reporting

Website optimization

Our team of on-site optimization specialists get to work fixing the code and copy on your website to make sure it's user friendly and optimized for Google's algorithm.

Success Stories

Boosted our client’s rankings

Proven strategies to scale businesses

mmarko structure
BMarko Structure
Building A 300% Increase In Organic Traffic For A Niche Business
CSA Tranporation
CSA Transpiration
230% Organic Keyword Growth Turns a Niche Player into a Game Changer
Cunningham Legal
A 350% Increase in Organic Traffic: How a Law Firm Went From Barely Surviving to Thriving


Finding a reliable SEO marketing agency can be tricky and for good reason.


SEO is an ever-evolving delicate process that can either make or break your business. When done with the right practices, SEO can drive waves of traffic to your business and help you convert browsing consumers into long life customers.


When done the wrong way however, your brand risks losing everything, and may even be black listed by sites like Google.

If you are looking for a reliable SEO firm, 

you have to do your research and pick a firm that has shown consistent results and proven practices.


Here at Dcodax, we have earned the reputation of being one of the best SEO companies around and have a proven track record. We also use trusted and safe techniques that promise to deliver amazing results guaranteed.


Other SEO optimization companies may be up to date with the latest trends, but what sets us apart is that we are always thinking forward toward the future and how we can keep ahead of the ever changing world of SEO marketing.

Our proprietary practices are unlike anything you have seen before and we know exactly what it takes to get your business ranking well on some of the top search engines, whether your brand is big or small.


This has earned us the reputation of being a premier search engine optimization company , but don’t just take our word for it, schedule a consult today to see what we can do for you.

The cost of SEO can vary depending on a multitude of factors, including:

  • The current authority/power of the domain that is being worked on
  • The competitiveness of the niche it is in
  • The difficulty of the particular keywords that are being targeted
  • The rate at which the domain wishes to grow

Be wary of SEO agencies that advertise set price lists.

It is a huge red flag that they are pushing your business, your livelihood, into a one-size fits all box.


We don’t treat any business with a one-size fits all strategy. Rather, we custom curate a strategy for every business that we work with. The price we quote you will depend on the nuances and requirements of your business and niche.

At Dcodax, we put our money where our mouth is. We guarantee page one Google rankings!

If we do not hit a target, we will work for free until we do hit those targets.


AKA if we do not hit our mark, you will not pay a single dime until we do.

We produce real, long-lasting results for our clients. We have never had a client receive a penalty from our SEO work.


If anything, we have had clients come to us that have had negative & black hat SEO done to them and we fixed the problem – saving their business from failure in the organic space.

Here at Dcodax, we know more than anyone that not all backlinks are created equal. In layman’s terms, 1 kickass link will beat 1000 low or mid-quality links every time. So, while most agencies and “SEO experts” will sell a “# of backlinks per month” package, we sell actual results that are backed by contracted ranking guarantees.


That means we don’t play arbitrary numbers games with our clients and we don’t focus on metrics that don’t move the needle (“# of backlinks / month”). Rather, we use industry best-practices to consistently gain placements on the most authoritative online resources within your niche.


We create high-quality, shareable content and leverage the value of the content to gain placements on some of the most powerful websites on the internet. The sole purpose of our off-page strategy is to generate long-lasting, powerful results that turn your website into a money-printing machine.

P.S. We NEVER use PBNs.

Anyone who says “SEO doesn’t work”, or “SEO is dead”, is simply someone that has been burned by partnering with an agency/expert that doesn’t know what the hell they are doing.


We encounter this situation all the time:

A client comes to us after getting robbed (literally) by cookie cutter “specialists”.

The client signs up for a month-on-month rolling agreement and then they are the ones who actually get rolled, because the “expert” (that only knows how to log into WordPress and update a meta title) just takes their money for a few months, produces shitty results, and then walks away without repercussion after the client wakes up to their bullshit.


Here at Dcodax we work with advanced brands who have local, country-wide and global SEO campaigns. We rank our clients for the most competitive keywords in their industry time and time again, and our team of in-house SEO Specialists have decades of experience in ranking websites (we never outsource our SEO work).


We are technical SEO specialists , with the experience and know-how to rank on page one of Google. Don’t want to take our word for it? Check out our testimonials – we have more 5-star reviews than other “agencies” have clients….

In PPC you join an auction, bidding against your direct competitors for each click. Typically, the average cost-per-click in Google Ads doubles every 7 years. In terms of click through rate, PPC only catches around 5-20% of the clicks for any particular search.


In other words, if a keyword is searched 1000 times a month, people will only click on the PPC results 50-200 times, AND you’ll be paying more and more every year to get those clicks.


Organic Search (SEO), on the other hand, will get you 700-950 of those clicks from the same keyword, and once you’re ranking, you’ll typically stay ranking for years to come. The long-term savings of SEO vs. PPC is staggering. If you want your business to grow sustainably and succeed in the digital space, SEO is a must.

Do you like customers finding you instead of your competitors? Then yes.


Do you want to take on as much market share as possible within your industry? Then yes.


Do you want to become a household name? Then yes.


Basically, do you like money? Then yes.

We are pros.

We have helped a number of businesses

We are awesome (see above).

We know our shit (see above).

Our strategies are curated to fit our client’s exact needs and resources. That means we will target as many keywords as are needed to move the needle and get your phone ringing off the hook. The number of keywords we target is based on our client‘s industry, their position within the niche, and their budget and goals.

Our team of in-house SEO Specialists and Account Managers (that’s right, we never outsource our work) work closely with our clients to build keyword lists around what our clients want to focus on, what products/services have the highest profit margins, and what we see as the biggest opportunities for financial growth within the business.


We do ecommerce SEO.

There is no “one-size-fits-all” strategy for SEO.


However, it is very likely that changes will have to be made to your website. “What changes?” you might ask. Well, that depends on your website and the CMS you’re using . Other factors that might trigger changes include site structure and coding.


Rest assured, the veteren team here at King Kong is extremely capable of working on your website.


We have worked on thousands of websites, built on everything from WordPress and Shopify to custom-coded CMS and hard-coded websites. We are not afraid to dive in, and work with our clients to achieve their goals so you’ll be with us every step of the way.

We’re going to shoot ya straight – some penalties can be overcome, some cannot.


We have helped many clients overcome penalties, by aggressively managing their backlink profile and saving them from negative SEO attacks. We have also helped many clients overcome hacked websites and shady on-page SEO practises.


That being said, there have been cases where a client arrived at our doors with serious domain issues, where their penalty was not addressed in a timely manner. In these instances, we can help restore your online presence with a new domain and website.

We never outsource our work. We have a team of veteren SEO Specialists with many decades of industry experience.

This is where most “SEO Specialists” would start to say things like “we cannot make guarantees” and “it all depends on your budget and what your competitors are doing”. Not us. We like to give our clients certainty. This is why we guarantee page one Google rankings in committed timeframe.


The best part? If we do not hit a target in the time frame given, we will work for free until we do hit it.

Our whole focus centres around increasing a client’s organic rankings in relevant search results by analysing their industry and website to develop a suitable and effective SEO strategy that yields results. SEO can be broken down into three main categories on-page SEO off-page SEO , and technical SEO.

I guess what we're trying to say that you should

More Traffic. More Sale.

More Revenue

👉 Secure Top positions for most profitable keywords in your industry